
Monday, September 20, 2010

Meeting Time

From last week, we set our meeting time to get full of prepare on every project we are assigned.
The project plan is done. Therefore, we will stick to it and able to finish our work on time as well.
Next project is Client & Audience Analysis, and its due date is on 9/28 . Since we know that it needs a lot work to be done, we can start to assign our team members to have work to do. From the result on last project, everybody did take responsibility to finish it. I believe we can do it, and be better and better.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Project Plan

Today Tyler and I got together to do our part of the project plan. Things are coming together, and I'm already getting ideas of what the page is going to start looking like. With our first meeting coming up, I'd like everyone to post questions you think we should ask Sharon. I have dealt with this web design situation before, and we don't want to slowly trickle questions into our client, they usually don't have time to field on the fly.

My questions would be:
.Are there any pictures that bbcat, or Sustainable tallahassee can provide to make the information more appealing after it has been integrated to the site.

.Is there anything paticular on that shouldn't be changed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Notes from 9/7/10

Sustainable Tallahassee


Internal Clients

· Leon county govt
· School district
· Goodwill

External Clients

· Teachers
· Donors
· Public @ large interested in sustainability

No money. Website is primary marketing vehicle. Needs domain name

What are keywords to use to increase search engine hits?

People use “Tallahassee” but Leon county govt wants “leon county”

Database-like system will come later, leave space

Located at Copeland and Madison

for environmental activists

policy maker resource for decision making

anyone interested in green issues

Facebook/blog integration

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ideas for organizing information

I figured we may be able to organize the immense amount of information into a pdf file kinda like this:

Or we could organize it into a faq page kinda like this:

except organized more effectively.
Whatever we do, the information needs to be more organized and  made more attractive. Maybe some pictures and graphs like in the first site i posted.