Homeward Bound in IT.org
Goal – Increase efficiency in providing services & reduce duplication
Bringing Together:
Social Work
****Big Bend Homeless coalition (lots of materials will come from this site)
City/ government agencies
. Information about what’s going on with homeless:
What organizations envolved
Contact information
State of the homeless situation
. Homeless should be able to make appointments with organization on website
. Information sharing between agencies
Ex. Available housing
General Public-
- State of homelessness (available volunteering opportunities)
- Contact info for organizations working on issue
- Who is homeless? Why? (De-stigmatize people to the homeless)
Community activists; faith-based organizations.
Homeless Population-
- Services available
- (Make the website accessible to the homeless. Accommodate their possible lack of tech knowledge)
- Funding and Grants
- Don’t put Tallahassee all through website (county/state is also involved)
Service Agency Interaction-
- Housing available
- Appointments
This is pretty much what I got. Tyler, if you have anything else, feel free to post it.
Our next meeting is Monday October 03 at 1pm. Thanks guys.
Here's what I have:
Homeward Bound
Goal: Increase efficiency in providing series and reduce duplication of services
Social Work
Big Bend Homeless Coalition (Lead Agency) BigBendHC.org
Will pull info from this site
City/gov’t agencies
Info about current state/situation of homelessness
State of the problem
Contact info
Educate people on what homelessness is
Way for homeless clients to access agency info
Ease of use is factor
Info sharing among service agencies
Available housing
Funding and grant info
Can’t use Tallahassee in materials, must be inclusive
Possible phase 2
FACA.org -- Similar site
Eliminate duplication of services
What do agencies need to communicate about?
HUD –Housing and urban development
Nation Coalition of Homelessness
Educational info
More about pulling content than creating new content
As far as the assignment, we're going to keep all the same parts (Tyler A-D, Andrew E-G, Mike Section 2, and Jessie Section 3). We're also going to try to set up a meeting with Dr. Gomery this week so we can ask some specific questions about Homeward Bound to help with our Client and Audience Analysis.
This is what I have
-National coalition on homelessness
educational info
Social Work
Big Bend homeless coalition
Big BendHC.org
will recycle infor from this site
City 1 gov’t agency
General Public
State of homelessness
Volunteer contribute
who is homeless ? why?
contact info for orgs working on issue
-Homeless peeps
Services available
-Service Agency Interaction
housing available
cannot use Tally in materials
increase efficiency in providing services & reduce duplication of services
unified ”fale”
meeting today
I was in the IT Practicum sorry for not attending the meeting toady.
Well ~ I'll be my best to finish my part. :)
Well i have basically the same stuff as you guys. I am currently working on the persona assignment as well as wrapping up my part of the client and audience analysis. We still need to meet with the client this week.
ReplyDeleteGomory, Tomi
University Center C2410
(850) 644-2328